Dear Friend,
We at the McLoud Church of Christ would be honored to have you visit one of our worship services. We realize that a first visit anywhere can produce an uncomfortable feeling due to unfamiliar surroundings. It should be comforting to know that we strive to “Speak where the Bible Speaks, and Be silent where the Bible is Silent”. The apostle Paul stated it this way in Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God, and the Father by him.” We endeavor through this letter to make you feel more at ease by letting you know “what to expect” during our worship services. We want you to feel free to ask any questions that you may have after attending one of our services.
Our worship services involve the same acts of worship that we see the first century church practicing in our New Testaments. We meet together on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) just as they did.
We Sing: (Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19): You will quickly note that our singing is done”a cappella”, that is, without the aid of musical instruments. This is not done just due to personal preference. While we readily admit that instrumental music is often mentioned and practiced in the Old Testament, we believe New Testament teaching as well as secular history backs up the fact that the first century church sang in just this way and that this is just how God wishes for us to worship him in song in this day and age.
We Pray: We pray as we are commanded. Several men are chosen to lead prayers during the worship service. These prayers sometimes address specific requests of the members, but more often address the general needs of the church, church members’ spiritual needs, the sick, those serving in our military, our society, our government, our nation, and our world in general. The list could go on. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Acts 2:42, Acts 12:5)
We partake of the Lord’s Supper (Communion): This is done on a weekly basis just as in the first century (Acts 20:7). The unleavened bread and fruit of the vine represent to Christians the body and blood of Jesus Christ respectively that he was willing to sacrifice for us (Matthew 26:26-28). A more complete reading concerning the Lord’s Supper can be found in
1 Corinthians 11:23-29. Please feel no discomfort in passing the trays containing these items on down the pew to the next person.
We give: We give of our means as we have been prospered on the first day of every week (1 Corinthians 16:2). The church should be a fully self-supporting organization and will not impose on you our visitor to contribute to the collection, so again, please feel comfortable in passing the collection plate on down the pew.
You will hear Bible based Preaching and Teaching: Paul exhorted Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-4 to preach the word both in season and out of season. In the preceding chapter, in 2 Timothy 3:16:17, he wrote that scripture was profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and for instruction in righteousness. A steady diet of the study of the word of God both in private and public study will allow the Christian to grow from one who is “unskillful in the word (a babe) to one of full age to whom belongeth strong meat” (Hebrews 5:12-14).
At the end of the sermon, an invitation will be offered. The Bible teaches that in order to be saved we must: believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, repent of our sins, be willing to confess Him as the Son of God, and be baptized for the remission of our sins. This puts us in Christ (Galatians 3:27). A more complete list of scriptures is presented on this subject in the “What must I do to be Saved” link. The invitation is also an opportunity for those Christians who have fallen away from God to come back to God in an open and public way and ask for forgiveness. Please do not feel that you are being singled out during the invitation song that will be sung as it is directed at everyone, but please feel free if you have any questions afterwards to ask them.
Much more could be written to better introduce ourselves to you, but we would much rather do so in person. Come and visit us. Stay around after services so that we can introduce ourselves to each other and get to know one another. Ask any questions that you might have Request a Bible Correspondence Course if you like or better yet request a personal Bible Study with one of our members. We hope that you will accept this invitation and will attend one of our worship services or Bible Studies in the near future.
The members of the church of Christ which meet at McLoud, Oklahoma