LINKS Apologetics Press: In the late 1970s, there was a need to make available scripturally sound and scientifically accurate materials in apologetics among the churches of Christ. The idea for Apologetics Press was born—an idea that soon became a reality. The necessary legal steps then were taken to allow the work to be recognized as non-profit and tax-exempt by both State and Federal governments. In 1985, Apologetics Press moved into its own custom-built, 11,000-square-foot building that was debt free upon completion. THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST is an evangelistic effort of the McLish Avenue Church of Christ in Ardmore, Oklahoma, and is supported by congregations and individual members of the churches of Christ nationwide. The work is now in its second decade of operation, and continues to grow with each passing day. The goal of THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST is to take the whole Gospel to the whole world. However, that is not just our motto; it is our mission! House to House Heart to Heart: House to House began in 1994 with the idea of having churches of Christ throughout the world cooperating to seek and save the lost through direct mail. HTH is a bi-monthly publication that has grown to a circulation of nearly 3 million. It is distributed by over 1,100 congregations in 48 states and 8 foreign countries, and has been translated into four different languages. It has surpassed the circulation of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Oprah magazine, and the USA Today. Memphis School of Preaching: The elders of the Forest Hill Church of Christ, along with those who serve as faculty of the school, strongly adhere to the principles of the Restoration Movement. They believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired word of God, perfect, sufficient, and fully authoritative, and that it is just as applicable today as when given by the Holy Spirit through inspired men, and that it shall always be able to supply every need of man morally, spiritually, socially, and even in the realm of economics. It is the desire and intent of this school to send forth men who love the Lord into the fields of labor, and who will always be set for the defense and proclamation of the gospel of Christ. Effort will always be made to conduct this school in a manner worthy of the confidence and support of those who love the truth.